Specialized for Abdominal & Lower Body Workouts

CMB leggings that are easy to put on and work your abdominals and lower body at the same time.
What if you could easily work out every day for just 20 minutes?
MYO Leggings is a daily CMB product that can be worn like leggings at home and is optimized for abdominal and hip-up exercises. It can be operated by connecting to MYO devices (MYO HOME, MYO Pro) and has 2 pairs of pads each for hips, pelvis, upper belly, lower belly, waist, thighs, and calves to stimulate major abdominal/lower body core muscles to help you do hip-ups and build strength.
Always a problem
abdomen and lower body at the same time!

This is a legging product that combines design and performance, so you can wear it at home and connect it to your MYO device without having to take time out of your day to exercise.

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Everyday life becomes a workout when CMB technology & leggings meet.
Let's CMB Hip-Up Training!

This sportswear is a collaboration between M20's CMB technology and legging specialists.
It is equipped with 16 pads centered on the abdomen and lower body for effective lower body CMB exercise.

#Mid-Low Frequency
#Lower Body Beauty
#Connect with MYO #Everyday Hip Hop

MYO LEGGINGS for everyday hip-ups!
- We developed MYO LEGGINGS for abdomen + lower body for convenience as important as function.
- You can customize your workout by adjusting the intensity for each area on the MYO device.
- Unlike regular exercises, where muscle responses are triggered by brain signals, CMB stimulates muscles instantly to help strengthen your abdominals and hip-ups.